Thursday, March 8, 2007

Top 5 Fort Dinner Parties Moments

Over the past two years, the dinner party has become a favorite of all the Fort members. This is the case since the dinner party usually becomes a crazy drunk fest, but in a way only the Fort can maintain.

So in honor of our upcoming party on March 16th here is a little recap, as best as our memory serves.

The Top 5 Moments are...

5. Marly wearing "Bomby Beats Birthday Bash" T-Shirt, looking oddly out of place, after unsuccesfully playing catch the grapefruit with a wine glass in hand.



4. The Lion prancing around the Fort in his costume consisting of knee warmers, arm warmers and a cowboy hat.

Yes, he dressed himself. We can only post a pic in the process...

3. Grandpa Becker Running Laps Around the CAF I Nude, after being plesantly depantsed by fellow Forties. This makes the list because this was quit an odd reaction for Grandpa, as he pretty much blew open his shell.

2. Grandpa Becker Getting Delivered on the Neighbors Doorstep Hogtied
Not quite sure how he got to this point but he was definately conscious for the entire event.

1. Salad Queen Dancing on the Table After Desert
There really is only one thing to do after a dinner with a couple bottles of wine an a nice Gold Schlager Shot with dessert.

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